Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 2009

This month is going by so quickly! The girls have already been in school for 2 months and are getting ready for their first report cards to come home. Taylor is loving kindergarten. She just can't seem to get enough school, as soon as she comes home she does her homework then goes on to play school with her sisters! Abbie is enjoying 2nd grade, she has a great teacher and she has already learned so much. Raven is Raven. She is doing good in 4th grade. She has a good but strict teacher! Raven is learning quickly that she will not tollerate excuses and late work. She is working hard to keep her grades up! Blair is in 7th grade this year. She is doing well so far. She currently is holding honor roll, hopefully this won't change by the time we get report cards at the end of the month. Shane is going to be 4 months old next week..... WOW how time flies by! He is a smart little guy, very easy going and loves all the attention he gets from his big sisters. He is laughing, rolling over both ways, babbling up a storm and sleeping through the night a good 10 - 12 hours every night!!! He is a big (tall) boy. He is still off the growth chart for his age. He is very tall and he is now weighing close to 17lbs. I am staying home with him and spoiling him absolutely rotten! Kevin is still working with Fairfax and he is doing great. I am so blessed to have such a great family and will cherish what I have for the rest of my life.


This is my new blog page. This page was set up mostly for our family to keep in touch and up to date with the latest happenings. I am glad you have visited our page. Read and enjoy the updates!